
Professional Sales Takes Thick Skin

Submitted by Mitch Seigel on Tues, 1/27/2015

As I begin my fifth year of blogging, I find it interesting that in the very same week I had a turn down by an account, who actually said that sometimes you have to give up on an account, and at the same time, I had another account who had fifteen phone calls and emails from me since October, who actually now wants to meet!

Thick skin is needed to be successful for both of the above situations. An account that strings you along, and then after six months, tells you that they went with a competitor, who is offering a better value in product and services, can be extremely frustrating. Especially since they will not disclose who they are working with or what they are getting for the money they are investing.

The other account, who met with me six months ago, in what I thought was a very good first meeting, then changed direction and became radio silent avoiding my calls. I’m very confident that I can help them with their projects, so patience needed to be the name of the game, and now, I hope it will pay off, with a new meeting expected soon.

The faith you need in yourself to succeed in sales is so important to your psyche! You want to stay as positive as you can at all times. Clients can tell if you are down, which makes you vulnerable in a relationship, especially in negotiation. Keep your chin up as often as possible. Learn to take the negatives and throw them over your back, so you can move on! NEXT!!

What are your challenges when it comes to keeping your nose to the grindstone? I look forward to hearing your comments. Until next time...