
What’s Your Cause?

Submitted by Mitch Seigel on Wed, 11/02/2011

Mitch Seigel
During the month of October you may or may not have seen several professional athletes wearing pink sweat bands, gloves, shoes, etc. This was not by accident. Just like the President turning the White House Pink, the athletes have been in support of Cancer Awareness Month. The various professional sports leagues and payers made a choice of causes and have stuck to it for the last several years. What better way to draw attention, than by wearing pink on parts of uniforms in front of millions on television.

This is a major campaign, but no matte4r what size of business you run, from being an independent consultant to owning a multi-million dollar conglomerate, you too can use cause marketing as a device to amplify your company’s brand. At the same time, and more important, you are giving to a worthwhile cause.

Simply consider who your target market is and which cause would best suit what you are doing in your business. If your company is focusing on men, then maybe a cause that men would appreciate would be the answer, and so on.

Once you have the cause, check into how much they would like to get involved in the relationship. Possibly you can take advantage of a pre-determined media schedule the non-profit is doing in your market, and lay your own plan on top of theirs.

At the end of the day your company has now aligned itself with a cause, you have given them exponential exposure, and have strengthened your own brand in the process.

At the end of the day your company has now aligned itself with a cause, you have given them exponential exposure, and have strengthened your own brand in the process.