
Your Marketing Plan

Submitted by Mitch Seigel on Tue, 05/01/2012

Since I last wrote about developing a marketing plan, about eight months ago, I’ve met with no less than fifteen businesses whom did not have one developed. Some of these were established businesses and others were brand new, just out of the gate.

Whether you are a rookie business person or a veteran business owner, it is a necessary tool for your success. What’s the old adage, ‘failing to plan is like planning to fail?’ Why take the chance-just get it done!

Key items to know in order to develop the company marketing plan are;
- expected annual gross revenue
- target market identifiers
- media research on reaching the target market
- costs involved with utilization of the media reaching your target market
- resources for funding the costs to reach your target market
- who will be able to implement the plan once it is developed

Once you have all the above items in place, developing the plan is a matter of;
- setting up a planning meeting with the team who will be implementing the plan
- outlining the details of who will have the responsibility of putting each plan of action in to motion
- developing a timeline for completion of the plan and
- implementation of the plan itself

As you can see, it takes a lot of organization to get this done, and to carry it out. If you are not the right person to make this happen, then you need to find someone either on the inside of your business, or on the outside, who can take your company through the process. Whatever you do, don’t ignore successfully planning for the future marketing of your company.

What are your challenges when it comes to developing a marketing plan? I look forward to hearing your comments. Until next time …