
Is Your Time Managed?

Submitted by Mitch Seigel on Tues, 7/31/2012

Do you know what you are doing first today, and then after that, and after that?

The truth is, most people do not know what they’ll be doing today, or in on what order. So what happens is that valuable and potentially productive time is wasted each day, figuring out last minute projects.

If you can’t organize yourself, then let someone help you get organized. Possibly you need someone to do this for you on a regular basis or maybe it is just a system you need to follow. In either case, do it now so you stop losing valuable opportunities for furthering your success.

Designate time each day to plan for the next day, and designate time on Sunday night to plan for the following week. If you have quarterly goals, then you should also be planning quarterly action steps to achieve those goals.

Everything can be done digitally via your computer and mobile device. If you like it written down, there are still several time management systems available for your daily use. A major step in the process is learning to prioritize your action items. Just because something has been in your system for five days, does not raise it to the top of the list of things to do. Deadlines will usually trigger when something needs to be completed and the level of importance for the day or the week.

Whatever you do, don’t procrastinate completing a task. Touch things once, and if at all possible, get them off your desk. If organization is not your thing, make a game out of it so it becomes fun. Start with a number of things to complete and see how many you can do in a day, in a week, in a month.

Despite surprises that occur or fires that need to be put out, success generally comes from planning. Don’t wait until tomorrow to get started. Start right now, go for it!

What are your challenges when it comes to time management? I look forward to hearing your comments. Until next time…