Business Objectives and Strategic Planning

Once the business objectives are established, we will determine your needs concerning branding, advertising, public relations and sales. Depending on the scope of the area in question, we will set up a team made up of a combination of professionals from Nine Dot Marketing and from the strategic alliances formed by our company. Meetings will follow with the Nine Dot Marketing team, working on your behalf, toward the established business objectives established for your company.
Marketing Plan
Let us start from the beginning. What is your brand? Who is your target market? Is your company’s identity clear to your target market?
Radio-TV-Print-Digital-Mobile-Collateral-Web Development-Search Engine Optimization-Promotion-Cause Marketing-Sports Marketing-Event Marketing.
Public Relations
Innovation exposure, product development, creative newsworthy promotion, now and on-going.
Conduct department audit with human resources team development, including review of resumes and interviewing. Motivation and coaching on the use of basic to advanced sales techniques, incorporating in-house or in-the-field training.
Strategic Aliances
- Identity and Branding Specialist
- Media Planner
- Printer
- Graphic Artist
- Direct Mail Services
- Web Designer
- Search Engine Optimizer
- Social Media Expert
- Blog Manager
- Mobile Messaging Expert
- Ethnic Target Specialist
- Public Relations Firm