
Mitch Seigel

Mitch Seigel Mitch Seigel, Principal and Founder of Nine Dot Marketing, has over thirty years of comprehensive business development leadership and marketing strategy experience, ranging across a vast spectrum of industries. His consultation experience in radio, cable television, broadcast television, newspaper, online and sales promotion includes market analysis utilizing available research, efficient inventory management, advertising planning and buying, and effective internal and external client communication.

Mr. Seigel has created and developed unique sales and marketing strategies for clients in most industries. His leadership style is to build consensus and commitment by empowering the teams with whom he consults. He is experienced in advising senior management in a diverse range of companies; incorporating training techniques, enhancing go-to-market presentations, and perfecting recruiting and hiring practices.

Mr. Seigel has been a guest speaker at numerous recognizable conferences, including the Radio Advertising Bureau’s Local Sales Management Conference, at Westcann, the Western Co-op Advertising and Newspaper Network, and at Cable World’s Local Sales Management Conference. He has been a guest instructor at the Institute for Women Entrepreneurs, the Orange County Small Business Development Center and Santa Ana College, and he co-founded BreakThrough Networking, Inc., established to assist others in the process of networking.

He is a current board member of the Hispanic Chamber of Commerce of Orange County, a past chapter President of the Orange County American Marketing Association, has been a participating member of the Hollywood Radio and Television Society, the Advertising Industry Emergency Fund, the National Latina Business Women’s Association, the Asian Business Association of Orange County, and is a volunteer for High School Inc., supported by the Santa Ana Chamber of Commerce. Mr. Seigel was recognized by the Radio Advertising Bureau as a Certified Radio Marketing Consultant.

Contact Mr. Seigel at Nine Dot Marketing at 949.336.7939 or mitch@ninedotmarketing.com.