
Closing the Sale Begins Sooner Than You Think

Submitted by Mitch Seigel on Tues, 12/24/2013

Closing the sale begins the minute you open your mouth. That’s right! The minute you ask the first question of your prospective client, the closing process begins. What follows is the key to the close.

Most salespeople are too anxious to get the sale, and lose many opportunities by not letting their prospects answer the question. The answers can lead directly or indirectly to the key to the sale. If you are not listening to the answer you may miss the chance to close.

So whenever you ask a closing question, when ever you ask a closing question, SHUT UP! SHUT UP! That’s right. The first person to talk after a closing question loses. This really works-go ahead and give it a try.

You may need to sit their for minutes and it may seem like hours, but don’t make a sound after asking the closing question. Once your prospect answers it is then OK to proceed with another closing question.

Be prepared for this to happen with each and every transaction. It doesn't matter whether you are pro-actively approaching your prospects or they are coming to you. Learning to use your ears more than your mouth will make you a lot of sales.

What are your challenges when it comes to closing? I look forward to hearing your comments. Until next time…