Sales Techniques to Remember - Social Styles and Personalities

Fortunately for everyone, no two people are exactly alike. So when trying to create relationships for sales opportunities, job openings, or to build a network, it’s key to understand the differences of others with whom you are trying to relate, and why you react the way you do to their personality.
Most studies say that personalities are determined by the age of seven. Do you know your own personality? Learn how it differs and is similar to others. Once you know how your personality reacts or relates well to other personalities, as well as to someone with a similar personality to yours, then it is your opportunity to use that knowledge to your advantage.
Being flexible is key-sort of like being a chameleon. You can’t expect the other person to bend-you’re the one thinking of how to relate better. This does not mean changing your personality. It just means altering how you behave when you are with other people for that particular moment.
Have you ever had a meeting with four other individuals? This could be your family at the dinner table, you and other executives at work, or you with four people who make decisions at a potential client location. If you face a scenario like these examples, you may also be sitting with four other people who have four different personalities. If you are too direct for one person, you may not be direct enough for another. If you are too descriptive with one, you may not be descriptive enough with another. Get the picture? In any case, knowing why people are saying the things they say, or reacting the way they are reacting is a sales technique that will put you at a level above the rest.
I’d like to hear stories of how you’ve dealt with difficult situations with people. What have been your challenges? How did you overcome the obstacles?
Until next time…