
Time Management; Always be Working on it!

Submitted by Mitch Seigel on Tues, 10/14/2014

I’m at 35,000 feet flying above one of the most spectacular geographic areas of the world, the Grand Canyon. I’m saying this not because I’m over the Grand Canyon, but because I’m using my time in the air to send emails, respond to emails, do a blog, proposal requests, etc, and I even had time to do a few Sudokus!

How are you managing your time? Are you staying balanced, keeping those plates spinning? It is so important to keep balance, if nothing else, to remain sane! It takes managing your activity all the time, not waiting until the weekend to get it done.

So how can you do it effectively? Setting a schedule is a start. At the end of every day I take the time to adjust my load of things to do, people to call, places to go, etc. I like starting the morning ready to go. I feel it is a waste of time if I need to plan in the morning. Everybody works in different ways, so your schedule may be completely different than mine. The important piece here is that you have a schedule and you stick to it.

If you have extra meetings one week, it may put you behind, or if you have extra phone calls it may put you behind on your meetings. Eventually, if you stick to a schedule, it all balances out.

Seek help from others whom you have noticed are organized. Ask what they do to stay balanced. The last thing you want to have happen is that it bogs you down and you dread activity. Monday I’ll be spending time on the road to meet a client, taking me away from my computer and phone. The rest of the week I will play catch up. This balancing battle never ends. If you think it does, let me know when! Lastly, make time management a game and have fun with it.

What are your challenges when it comes to time management? I look forward to hearing your comments. Until next time...