
We’ll be back after a word from our Sponsor

Submitted by Mitch Seigel on Wed, 9/4/2012

Sponsorship opportunities started many decades ago and they haven’t let up. In fact, they are available in many different shapes and sizes, and offer better chances to expose your business than ever.

Sponsoring the various radio and television shows grew over the years as those medium became the consumer’s choice. As events became the norm, rather than the exception, their sponsorship became something to consider more often than not. And of course there are several sponsorship opportunities tied to national, regional or local causes or non-profit organizations.

As I mentioned, they are now available in all different shapes and sizes. You need to determine which sponsorship is the best match against the needs of your company. If you sell beds and there is an event tied to mattresses or sleep, that might be the place for you. If your products or services are tied to the green initiative, than sponsoring a green conference would be most appropriate.

Sports sponsorship is bigger than ever in the United States. It doesn’t stop with the major sports. If you are a community business than smaller sports events would make more sense. If you cover the country then you ought to be looking at major League level opportunities.

Today, a word from our sponsors in the plural is more common, with several companies splitting the sponsorship of public and private events, programs, organizations and more. Take the time to do the research and you will be on your way to getting a moment to express what your company has to offer.

What are your challenges when it comes to sponsorship? I look forward to hearing your comments. Until next time…